Sunday, March 27, 2016


Our adversaries strengthen our nerves and sharpen our skill.
Inadvertently, the antagonist is our helper, we gain experience.
This gives us knowledge, the wisdom of handling the conflicts.
What was once an assumption is a full fledged first hand affair.
Acknowledgment & disappointment, celebration & condemnation.
Betrayal of loyalty, unconditional love tested, provoked temptation.
Honour takes issue with pride, implication of shame brings humility.
Ultimately it's the anger, quietly yet grudgingly stirring up perplexity.
Tempted to seek satisfaction in vindication, despite the humiliation.
Detachment is a necessity to safeguard against threatened sanity.
There's more ingenuity which will kick in once the going gets rough.
In keeping vigil we sharpen our skill,our adversary makes us tough.