Saturday, May 30, 2015


From a source deep in space
subtle signals reaching Earth,
heavens above giving a sign
crop circles are simply divine. 
Much evidence of alien action
not just far fetched deduction,
let us be real, about this deal
so many things it could reveal.
Should we be ready to receive
a honored guest from heaven
with open arms & love to give
without the demeanor of fear.

Thursday, May 28, 2015


There is no obligation for unconditional love
just heartfelt affection, dedication and loyalty
prepared to go the distance without any doubt
belonging to a lover is what devotion is about 
revealing the thrill of adoration, not just a clout.

The more the feeling, the happier is the being

but at the end the harder might be the leaving

such is the balance of life, fragile at the source

it would crumble if it were kept in place by force

letting go of beloved is the extent of this course.



Infused from a future that stretches into eternity
into the here and now, an illusion with a destiny
a beginning and end, meanwhile given a choice
to be and act as a name, number, proven identity
or not to be anything like you’re supposed to be.



Standing at the awry edge of a fiscal cliff hanger
to some a bad joke, for others a cause for anger
solemn faced senators pushing for favorite dish
what will come out of this is coerced to be fetish.

Close your eyes for an instant, make your wish

the bells are ringing, I’d better get ready for this

a monetary economic monster is about to crush

this is the presumption, based on financial trash.

Federally reserved hollow zeroes placed in line

the delicate balance of the dubious with the fine

as the story goes on, the ceiling of debt is raised

for this accomplishment the puppeteer is praised.

People who have much, have to bestow as such

with this deduction, not everyone can be in touch

likely to put decent, honorable folk in lousy mood

for the yet unborn children, this would be no good.


Sunday, May 24, 2015


For a moment deem this possible dream
the presence of your self in cyberspace
animated with total movement capability
parallel journey of induced virtual reality.

Full interaction in the World Wide Web 

you can exist any way you wish in here

roaming at your will all over cyberspace

with the voice, personality, of a real self.

Dreams could be realized a distinct way

I have been working on it night and day

that stupendous day is not too far away

could even be tomorrow if I had my say.



Integration of raw primitive reflexes
In discerning subtle modern scruple
Stretching Primitive-Modern polarity
Into coalescing of the opposite ends
When horizons curve into each other
Psychic powered lightning will strike.




Change is inevitable
one way or another
sooner or later
it will take place.
No need to resist
just grow into it,
whether you let go
flow with the grain
or resist the change
persist on the same
would stall the game.
Your aptitude to skim
can alter at the seam
the nature of a dream.
The mastery of poise
can put you in charge
should you so please
make yourself at ease
in hard times like this
just go with the flow
how the wind may blow
can determine the show.



Some worshippers have their faith well polished
as they tend to prayers to wash away their sins
begging for forgiveness, beseeching for things

not understanding the nuance of what it means.

Most believers are waning, wanting and begging

only few are humbly thankful, simply affirming

there is the odd vindicator ranting and grunting

demanding satisfaction, grudgingly complaining.

Real faith is just a matter of believing in good

prayers are consummated seeking for the truth

my quest is sharp focused, I will not be fooled

will plead abstraction unless otherwise assured.
